Onboarding and training for the frontline in the construction industry

Save days on preparation and follow-up, increase your training quality and stay relaxed during audits - doinstruct takes care of everything to do with training so that you can do what you do best.

doinstruct helps 240+ teams to focus on what matters most: quality and productivity

Why Customers Love Us

Compliant with doinstruct
Andreas Haug
Milchwerk Crailsheim-Dinkelsbühl

“The feeling of holding a training course in front of your employees that you had been preparing for days or weeks and then knowing that 60% of the employees didn't understand you was no longer bearable for me. With doinstruct we can now train targeted departments specifically and in your native language in your area and achieve success immediately. In the last audits we were able to handle the enormously important issue of training quickly and successfully.”

Compliant with doinstruct
Nicole Scherrenbacher
Leitung Managementsysteme

“With doinstruct we have finally found an online training system that is easy to use and enables a variety of training courses in production and administrative environments in different languages. Thanks to the low administration effort, we can save time and efficiently carry out training courses in an audit-proof manner. Through constant further development of the system, customer-specific requests are also implemented quickly.”

Compliant with doinstruct
Richard Bard
Bard Frische Küche

“Durch die Verwendung gewohnter Medien und die absolute zeitliche Flexibilität, wird die Akzeptanz der Schulungen bei den Mitarbeitern enorm gesteigert. Nach den ersten Erfahrungen der digitalen Schulung können wir eine sehr positive Bilanz ziehen und werden diesen Weg mit unseren Mitarbeitern weiter gehen.”

Compliant with doinstruct
Verena Neuberger

“The legal requirements for initial and compulsory instructions have become increasingly complex and time-consuming. Thanks to Doinstruct, our onboarding process has fundamentally changed. Not only do we save costs, we also save time for everyone involved.”

Compliant with doinstruct
Vivian Pfoh
Head of Quality

"Since the changeover of our training system, we have benefited from a much more transparent overview of the data and are able to fully convince audits and certifications thanks to the ease of use. Doinstruct helps us to train all our production employees in a wide variety of languages in an effective and user-friendly way. We are also impressed by the continuous optimization of processes and the open and constructive communication with Doinstruct."

We make it as easy as possible for you - so you can concentrate on the essentials

With doinstruct, you can provide legally compliant training for both your employees and visitors

4 Steps
for a successful rollout
Process and requirements analysis
Demo & configuration with all stakeholders
Communication &leadership training
Rollout to all employees (~3-7 days)

Your benefits with doinstruct

Strong information and safety culture
100% regulatory compliant and audit-proof
~3.4h released productivity per employee
>40% annual cost savings

Case studies of our customers

Kohl, Kraut Gurken, Essig, Feinkost
Numbers of employees
Vorname Nachname


  • Steigende Qualitätsanforderungen
    Kunden, Behörden & Zertifizierer setzen immer höhere Standards, die bei 120 Mitarbeitern schwer umsetzbar sind.

  • Schlechte Erreichbarkeit

    Erreichbarkeit der Mitarbeiter aufgrund von Mehrschichtsystem schwierig Mitarbeiter werden zum Teil aus der Produktion genommen, um an der Schulung teilzunehmen.

  • Aufwendige Inhaltspflege
    Aufwendige Erstellung und Aktualisierung von Schulungsinhalten. Sicherstellen von Compliance und Rechtssicherheit ist fast unmöglich.


  • Steigende Qualitätsanforderungen
    Kunden, Behörden & Zertifizierer setzen immer höhere Standards, die bei 120 Mitarbeitern schwer umsetzbar sind.

  • Schlechte Erreichbarkeit

    Erreichbarkeit der Mitarbeiter aufgrund von Mehrschichtsystem schwierig Mitarbeiter werden zum Teil aus der Produktion genommen, um an der Schulung teilzunehmen.

  • Aufwendige Inhaltspflege
    Aufwendige Erstellung und Aktualisierung von Schulungsinhalten. Sicherstellen von Compliance und Rechtssicherheit ist fast unmöglich.

Train your visitors before they even take their first step on the construction site

Minimal effort, absolute legal certainty

Everyone on a construction site needs to be trained, regardless of whether they are employees, temporary workers or visitors. With our visitor modal, you ensure that everyone is trained at all times - no ifs, ands or buts.

More than 200+ companies already trust doinstruct

Eric Matern
Operations Manager | Kartoffelmanufaktur Pahmeyer
Katharina Kühnel and Andree Schmidt
Veterinarian and Head of Department | District Vechta
Niko Brand
CEO | Brand Qualitätsfleisch
Dr. Frank Steinbach and Marcus Butt
Director Quality Management and Managing Director | Moll Marzipan

Book your demo today and get to know doinstruct


Experience the convenience of fully trained staff with just a simple click.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does doinstruct cost?

We understand your challenges and have made our billing model transparent accordingly. You only pay per user per year. Prices depend on the number of users and the contract duration. Our experts are happy to schedule an introductory meeting with you to understand your processes and challenges and provide you with an offer that suits you and your company.

How long does it take to switch to doinstruct?

After signing the contract, you can start within 24 hours. To make your life as easy as possible, your account manager will configure your account according to your preferences and help you create and add your individual training sessions. We also implement an effective communication strategy with you and provide multilingual information materials in 25 languages. This way, we ensure that you achieve a 100% training rate within a few weeks.

Are there any prerequisites for using doinstruct?

doinstruct is a Software-as-a-Service application and is hosted in a DIN ISO 27001 certified data center. Therefore, any company that wants to train its employees digitally can use doinstruct.

Can I also train with my own content or only with doinstruct training?

You can modularly complement any of our training sessions or create any number of your own lessons by uploading your own videos or learning materials. This allows you to customize your digital training plan individually and specifically for the workplace.

Do the training sessions comply with current GFSI standards?

Yes. All our training sessions, as well as the documentation of the training status and the group or cohort evaluations, are IFS8 compliant. The software is developed with certifiers, auditors, and practitioners so that you are legally compliant at all times and your audit preparation in the future will only take a few seconds.

In which languages is doinstruct available?

doinstruct is currently available in German, English, Dutch, Danish, Vietnamese, Punjabi, Farsi, Uzbek, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Arabic, Czech, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Slovenian, Croatian, Albanian, Turkish, Spanish, Italian, French.

Can doinstruct be connected to my existing tools?

doinstruct has a modern Rest API and can be easily connected to existing HR or HSE systems at any time to smartly automate all training and certification processes. Connection to employee apps or document management systems is also possible.

Can I automate all training courses and view training statuses?

Your working day is stressful enough, which is why we provide you with a dashboard in which you can quickly and effectively automate all training courses and retrieve or evaluate all training statuses in compliance with GFSI and legal requirements.
You can also use the dashboard to document external training courses, invite new employees or (re)play individual training courses in the event of a complaint or audit.
By the way: In the doinstruct Manager, you also have access to all training lessons in 25 languages as well as all newly created training courses.